Friday, October 20, 2023

Gruesome Tales of Death and Cremation

Orlando has become our biggest supporting scene in Florida. This was a great night and we saw a huge amount of support from you, the underground. Playing with our friends, Druid Lord is ALWAYS great! As individuals, they are truly some of the best dudes and their music is outstanding amongst the sea of shit that attempt doom. To top off the night, being fans from the beginning, sharing the stage with Father Befouled is nothing less than an honor. Thank you so much! Pictures from that night are below. 
We will be taking the rest of the year to devote ourselves to writing and developing our set. Gabriel, our newest member and drummer, has only been learning our recorded music so far and we are looking forward to writing the new release with him. We have about 3 or 4 songs so far to go towards a new release and there's so much work to do to get more written. We will also be working on our live set and adding some cover songs to it to bring you the meanest in the underground. 

2024 is already looking to be an absolutely BRUTAL start with a new show announcement coming in a  couple days. We look forward to coming back with unrelenting vengeance...




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