Thursday, December 5, 2024

Gruesome Images of Death


Another year of sick shows is behind us, and we are heading towards an exciting new year of shows in 2025. The new year brings our first venture into out-of-state shows as a band, and we are looking forward to seeing some places in the new year. We are currently working on new merchandise. We started working with our illustrator, Daniel Hermosilla, on an updated logo and art for a long sleeve design.   

Swarm Fest, as always, was FILLED with incredible Florida bands. It was an honor to share the stage again with of our friends in HIBERNIS MORTIS as well as DRUID LORD. We also got to meet in person with the hosts of the TAMPA METAL MORGUE PODCAST, Ed and Tony. Hands down, some of the best underground death in Florida, so it goes without saying thank you to Nick for asking us to play. Below are a few pictures from our set. 

Nightmarish Reality & Manifestations

We have the incredible honor to work with some of our favorite illustrators in the underground. That artist being Daniel Hermosilla. We had ...